Nevertheless, we can use more than one row item for the same RecyclerView. Usually, we would use a single row item for each RecyclerView. “Row” items are the layout files that form a unit item in the RecyclerView. Getting startedĬreate an empty project in Android Studio and give it a name of your choice. The landmark item can contain an image or not. To demonstrate how we can use multiple ViewHolder classes, we will create a simple application that displays a list of landmarks. Manage RecyclerView callback methods and their interactions.Implement two-typed ViewHolders in a single adapter.Understand why we need more than one ViewHolder class.Have a basic knowledge of Kotlin and ViewBinding.īy the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:.
To follow along with this tutorial, you need to: This way we can create more interactive and scalable applications. They allow us to pass different data objects during the RecyclerView callbacks. This is where multiple ViewHolders come in. Have you ever asked yourself how you can employ different types of data items in the same RecyclerView while maintaining a seamless experience? Normally, developers use a single type of item to populate data in the RecyclerView. In the imperative programming paradigm in Android, a RecyclerView is a widget used to display scrollable items.